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News and Views
Prior to the pandemic, remote working was a concept that many organisations were hesitant to introduce. However, its prevalence and popularity have significantly amplified since then. As the Covid-19 restrictions are now lifted, the vast majority of workers are hesitant to return to the office on a full-time basis and prefer the flexibility of combining […]
Although we as humans all share common characteristics, each of us has our own unique sets of traits and preferences that create our psychological make-up. These form our personality which shapes our perception of the world around us and how we respond to it. In an organisational context, our personality is reflected in our work […]
We humans are social beings and as such, our interactions with those around us play an essential part in every aspect of our life, including the way we learn and develop. The 70-20-10 Model by McCall et al. (1988) [1] suggests that 70% of adult learning occurs through experiential learning, 20% through social learning or […]
In recent times, the names Jacinda Ardern and Kamala Harris have become familiar, and they are personalities that many of us might look up to, but what do they have in common? They are all women who brought their convictions, energies, and strengths to their innovative efforts and are leaders who made progress under difficult circumstances. […]
As demonstrated through over 28 years of successful partnership with organisations, Impact Psychology is committed to offering the best-value services to our clients. To satisfy the current demand, we are further expanding our offerings and are delighted to announce that we now offer Training and Development Credits. Training and Development Credits provide flexibility and are […]
 As demonstrated through over 28 years of successful partnership with organisations, Impact Psychology is committed to offering the best-value services to our clients. To satisfy the current demand, we are further expanding our offerings and are delighted to announce that we now offer Training and Development Credits. Training and Development Credits provide flexibility and are […]
People are an organisation’s greatest asset and selecting the best of them is what can guarantee its success. From competency-based interviews to role-play exercises, there are several different tools that hiring managers can choose from when recruiting. However, the one that stands out as one of the most reliable predictors of future performance is the […]
With the Covid-19 pandemic rocking our understanding of what is “normal”, we are facing numerous uncertainties, both at work and in our private lives. From remote working to staff shortages, uncertainty has become an inherent component of the modern-day workplace and learning to adapt to continuous change is vital to carry out our professional duties […]
When faced with failure or going through a difficult time, we often respond in one of two ways – we either blame ourselves or shift the blame to others. However, neither of those responses leads to real individual growth. Being self-critical or passing the blame demotivates us which in turn lowers our productivity and job […]
If you have anything that you would like to ask us about, relating to any of the stories above or something new then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.