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Responsible organisations are increasingly proactive in ensuring and enabling wellbeing and good mental health for their team members. We help organisations create healthy work cultures where their people can thrive and reach their full potential. We take a holistic approach to wellbeing and offer bespoke programmes aimed at integrating employee wellbeing into their organisation’s culture and leadership.

What We Offer

Team Restoration Programmes and Interventions

Dealing with demands of the pandemic has been mentally and physically exhausting for the workforce in the public and private sector. This has increased the level of work-related stress and sickness absence which has had a detrimental effect on organisations. We recognise the need for preventative wellbeing approaches, aimed at providing people with the support, space and time needed to help them recover.

We offer bespoke programmes and single team interventions, aimed at supporting the team’s journey to recovery. We cover a range of wellbeing topics, such as increasing resilience in leadership, compassionate and courageous leadership, driving innovation through compassion, promoting psychological safety and dealing with challenging conversations.


Improved employee physical and mental health
Better employee engagement
Inclusive and supportive work culture
Higher performance and productivity
Reduced sickness absence


“Was sceptical beforehand, but thought I’d give it a go.  I’m now a full advocate and have encouraged my team to make use of the amazing coaching offer from the Army.

Impact showed me how to interpret the results to identify areas on which we could work. I think you really need to do the tests repeatedly over a period of time to see if behaviours are changing and the work is having a positive effect.

We started by reviewing the psychometric results, which naturally led to discussions of my own perceived strengths and weaknesses and areas for development. Although I was sceptical about the MBTI results my coach was able to convince me otherwise and used them to set out a plan which formed the basis for the next sessions. Concurrently, we discussed situations that had gone well and – more importantly – badly and worked up a strategy to mitigate the issues utilizing tools I had not seen before. Each session concluded with my coach setting me homework, based largely around employing the tools and techniques we had discussed.

I have improved my communication and working relationships with contemporaries, sub-ordinates and, particularly, my superiors.

  • I have become more open and candid in my dealings with others and, indeed, with myself.
  • I have learned techniques to review engagements, analyse the outcomes and identify areas for improvement that I wish I had known earlier.
  • I increasingly understand where I can add value and where others are better equipped to do so.

The fact that I have opted to extend my coaching is testimony to the value I place upon it. I cannot recommend it strongly enough, whatever individuals’ circumstances.”

Senior British Army Officer

We’re here to help, so if you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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