Well, here it is! A first look at our new bulletin, where we’ll be providing some of the most interesting and useful content for you, your business and its people. There’s been a lot to talk about recently, what with National Apprenticeship Week where we wrote an article discussing our own experience hiring an apprentice, celebrating International Women’s Day, and publishing a new case study, all of which you can find more about below.
It’s officially spring, which means we’ll soon be breaking out our shorts, seeing a lot more sunshine and enjoying the warm weather. Hopefully. As March draws to a close we have lots of great news and helpful information to share with you, including our takeaway from a recent AI conference, the launch of #NHSTalent, and the excuse we’ve all been waiting for to eat more chocolate.
April is Stress Awareness Month, and we wanted to take this opportunity to share our expertise with you on how to recognise and cope with stress at work. Our new article, which you can find below, discusses the causes and symptoms of stress at work, as well as how to deal with it.
Now that we’re in the spring months, with warm weather one week and rain the next, we felt that it was the best time to focus this week’s bulletin on one of our four pillars: change. Whether the recent marathons have inspired you to up your exercise game, you’re missing the warm weather already or you’re preparing for a change in your work or home life, our new bulletin has something for you.
This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week, aiming to end the stigma surrounding the mental illnesses that many of us, at one point or another, may experience. We understand that work life can impact on mental health, and so in today’s bulletin we want to share information, tips and advice to help you build a mentally healthy work life.