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Author: Maria Moneva

Managing Stress during lockdown: Laws, Tips and Charts

With the current challenges in our lives due to COVID-19 we are all likely to be feeling more stressed than before. For many of us, we are having to balance work with childcare whilst also virtually looking after older relatives. In addition to the increased demands put on us we are also having to navigate through a very uncertain time whereby many unprecedented things are happening. Although some...

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The ‘How to’ of Remote Working

Since new measures of social distancing have been imposed by the government with the purpose of curbing the spread of COVID-19, countless articles and blogs are out there indicating how we can ‘survive’ remote working. However, this can make it challenging to distinguish what we should and shouldn’t be doing. We have integrated the information out there into a short yet informative blog –...

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Compassionate Leadership in the NHS during COVID-19

During times of global crisis, such as the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak and the extensive challenges this has brought, it is particularly important to ensure that there is a culture of support in the NHS. Compassion and care must be a certainty for employees at a time of great uncertainty. Compassionate care is shown to be beneficial for patient health outcomes including reduced mortality and...

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COVID-19 Statement from our Chief Executive, Shelly Rubinstein

I hope that you are finding your way through these very challenging times of the Covid-19 outbreak. We are dealing with uncertainty and people are feeling anxious about the future, so we want to explain how Impact Psychology for Business are supporting our clients, staff and community to deal with what is happening in the most collaborative, compassionate and kind way possible. Our message of #2020yearofkindness...

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Why is David Attenborough a Force of Nature?

Introduction For many of us, Sir David Attenborough is an inspirational person. He is one of the most important figures in a generation and presents a message with a strong moral purpose. His recent activity as an advocate, both within the UK and on the world stage, for action against climate change has inspired us to investigate his leadership style. What are the reasons for his success as a leader? Does...

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Performance Reviews – How Effective are they?

This month we are exploring the conditions that allow people to perform better at work and which help them to thrive! Following our main article regarding the importance of focus, we wanted to share with you what we learned from the Division of Occupational Psychology 2020 Conference that can enrich everyone’s understanding of how performance can be optimised. Professor Frederik Anseel gave an opening...

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Harness your Focus in 5 Easy Steps

We live in a world full of distraction where everything is competing for our attention. It makes it really hard for us to focus on one task and see it through to completion before starting something else. However, if we were able to give every piece of work our undivided attention, research shows that efficiency and quality of work would both significantly increase [1]. Therefore, we must learn...

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Our Top Highlights from the DOP Conference 2020

We started #2020yearofkindness with some self-care and an enriching team visit to the Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘The Practice of Science: Occupational Psychologists at Work’, which is aligned with the work we do here at Impact. Evidence-based practice is at the heart of what we do; guided by ethics,...

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25 Tips for 25 years: Our Favourites

As we said goodbye to 2019, we also finished our 25 tips for 25 years series on social media where we posted 100 tips based on Impact’s 4 pillars: performance, leadership, talent and change. As we reflect on the fantastic year we’ve had, we thought it would be nice to review the series and pick out some of our best tips. We hope you’ve found them insightful and beneficial for the workplace. For...

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