On 9th July, we delivered an innovative project-based working event for 60 staff at a prominent, economic commission – New Economy. The programme entitled “it’s not just what you do; it’s the way that you do it” was held at the Hive in Manchester.
New Economy’s purpose is to create economic growth and prosperity for the people of Greater Manchester. The aim of the event was to embed New Economy’s values, communicating the behaviours that are required to achieve their strategic plan. Staff were to leave the event with a clear sense of how they could personally contribute to the strategic objectives of the organisation. Like many public sector organisations, New Economy is experiencing great economic and political change. We used our learning methodologies and facilitated discussion focusing on project-based working practices that will deliver improved outcomes for all New Economy’s stakeholders.
New Economy staff were asked to communicate what they had learnt and what actions they would take following the event. Some comments included; “the day has given me a greater understanding of the roles of staff outside my team and a general enthusiasm for improving the organisation” and “I will implement the creative techniques to improve my working.”